Getting Connected: It’s Easier than Ever Before
At Element Church, it has never been easier to meet and connect with new people, even while restrictions due to COVID-19 bar us from gathering together in-person.
Think that sounds too good to be true? When we reached out to the Wentzville Campus Small Groups Pastor, Heather Bunch, she agreed that it can feel that way. She’s heard people call 2020 “the year of the introvert” because it seems easier than ever to drift apart from others. Yet, that’s not how we’re designed.
“Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert or somewhere in between, we’re designed by God to do life with others. Even when God created Adam, He said, ‘It’s not good for man to be alone.’ This is still true for ALL of us, especially today.”
So, through this time where we have kept our doors closed to the world, new doors have opened for people to come together like never before. At Element Church, that connection has been through small groups.
Why small groups?
These groups aren’t intimidating biblical studies. Rather, Pastor Heather describes them as “a safe spot for us to learn from one another and grow in our relationship with Christ at the same time.” Beyond that, “they’re also an amazing place to let our hair down and have fun!”
Johanna Kieffer can attest to that. She leads two small groups throughout the week and described her favorite aspects of the experience.
“I LOVE to meet people, hear their stories, and watch them connect and grow. Finding friendships and community in people that you never expected to is amazing!”
Johanna’s groups are designed to bring people together in an encouraging and fun environment. Whether it’s through her Wednesday morning Coffee with the Kieffers group she co-leads with her husband Brad, or her Thursday evening women’s group, Rooted, people will hang out, share stories, and talk about the weekend’s message together.
“Laughter is definitely involved”
More than family
In a time when many of us are spending our days shut up inside our homes with our families, it can seem like we may be getting the connection and support we require, but it’s important that we don’t simply rely on them to provide all our needs. Pastor Leo preached about this earlier this year, reminding us although family is important, “Sometimes I need someone other than my dad to tell me good job.” Family can do a lot, but even the best families leave gaps. Through small groups, “the church community can fill the gaps.”
Small groups are not just about laughter and fun. They are also an outlet for the church to love people and provide support in times of need. Johanna’s Rooted small group is designed as a “no judgement zone, a place to be real and vulnerable” where they discuss “relatable topics that we deal with as women.”
Therefore, whether it’s to hang out and enjoy each other’s company, or find the help and prayer you need, Pastor Leo reminds us that “there are people waiting for you, to be involved in your life and provide the support you’re looking for, but they can’t do it if you never let them in.”
If you want to take that next step, now is the perfect opportunity to do so. This is the easiest time we’ve ever had to connect with a small group, because now you can join in from the comfort of your living room.
Going Digital
Since COVID-19 prevents us from gathering at each other’s houses, small group leaders have gone digital. Switching to online small groups has led to opportunities for people to get involved like never before, and Pastor Heather believes that’s especially true because they’re so convenient.
“What I love about online small groups is they’re accessible to anyone! You can jump into a group wherever you’re at, lunch break, hanging out on the couch, or even lounging on your deck–no travel time needed.”
Johanna has been hosting her Coffee with the Kieffers group online for a month now and agrees that they’re not only more convenient than in-person groups, but also perfect for people who have never been part of a group before.
“I’ve been saying I feel like online groups are a bit less intimidating to get connected with. For those who haven’t ever been in a small group, meeting at someone’s house with a group of people you don’t know is not always easy. This gives you a chance to dip your toes in and try it out and make the connections a lot easier.”
It truly has never been easier to connect with a small group community at Element Church.
Get connected
No matter who you are, what you do, or when you’re available, Pastor Heather says there’s a group for you.
“We have over 50 online groups that are open to anyone and everyone. There are blended family groups, women’s groups, young adult groups, men’s groups, married groups, creative women’s groups and singles groups just to name a few. Whatever stage of life you’re in, we have a small group for ready and waiting for you.”
This time apart does not have to be spent alone. You can get connected to a caring, Christ-centered community today! To sign up for a small group, visit