The Easiest Way to Make A Difference This Easter
Easter Sunday is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the defeat of death, and the forgiveness of sins. It’s the foundation of our faith and is observed by millions around the world.
That celebration creates another reason why Easter is important. Every year, more people will google “church” around the holiday than at any other time, which leads to Easter Sunday being the most popular day to attend church. There will be thousands of people visiting churches for Easter who are not regular church attendees. They may be hearing the gospel for the first time or have not been saved despite having attended church in their past.
Easter weekend is a big deal for Element Church. It will bring in hundreds more people inside the doors than any other weekend, which means numerous unique chances to change lives through the message, community, and more. The vision for Element Church is creating experiences for life change so people can find their place, fulfill their purpose, and grow in Christ, and you can play a part in that vision this year.
Making a difference in the lives of others this Easter is not a tall task. There is an easy way to serve God at Element, and you can do it without a huge time commitment. It just takes a step.
You can invite others to church
Inviting others to church is actually incredibly simple, despite what it can be made out to be. A lot of the time when we want to ask people to come to church with us, fear can get in the way. Sometimes it’s a fear of rejection, and sometimes it’s a fear of not knowing what happens next.
When you get afraid, ask yourself “Why am I afraid?”. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negative, that you forget what the positive can be. When you have an anxious thought about the worst-case scenario, replace it by asking what the best-case scenario can be.
Instead of thinking “What if they say no?” ask yourself “What if they say yes?”
Instead of wondering “What will they think about me?” ask “What would happen if they accepted Christ?”
There are so many ways to talk yourself out of making a step for Christ, but once you realize that oftentimes the worst response you can get is a “no”, it can be easier.
How to invite people to Easter
There are many different ways to invite someone to one of our Easter services. Here are a few examples:
Share an invitation on social media
This can be the first step you take to invite people. Yes, this takes almost no effort. Extending an open invite on Facebook is more than nothing, and people will see it. You never know if someone will see that post and decide to attend church this Easter.
Bring invite cards to work
Do you have a bulletin board that allows you to post things at your work, school, or college campus? You can position some of our inviters around them. It’s a great way to get some visibility, and you never know who will look at it and give it a shot.
Ask someone face-to-face
It’s not as complicated as you may think. Ask them. There are so many ways to ask someone, it just takes doing it. You can simply start by asking what their Easter plans are. Here is an example of a conversation from Life.Church:
An example conversation:
Lead with this simple question.
I was wondering, do you go to church anywhere?
If they answer yes, then the follow-up conversation is easy.
That’s great! So happy to hear you have a church home. What church do you attend?
This approach works because it celebrates the church they’re connected to and shows them you’re not trying to recruit them to your church.
If they answer no, you can follow up with an invite.
Well, if you’re ever looking for a great place to go, I go to (insert your church here) and would love to see you there!
This language is simple, casual, and friendly in tone. It doesn’t assume they’re looking for a church and leaves the decision up to them.
If they don’t ask a follow-up question or engage further, then you’ll want to leave the conversation at that. If they ask a question or share a bit of their faith journey, then it’s a good sign they’re open to hearing more.
Take the opportunity to share more about your church: why you love it, how God’s used it in your life, give them an invite card, etc.
This is one great example to use, but your conversations can be totally different. It just takes getting out there and keeping a friendly tone. You can do this. It could take less than five minutes to invite people, and if they say yes, the rest is up to God.