Elevate leadership academy 2019
Element Church is a rapidly growing church in Wentzville, Missouri with a passion and a vision to Love God and Love People. We are providing internship opportunities where you can receive spiritual development, leadership development, and practical ministry. Participants will gain valuable experience while working alongside Element Church’s pastoral staff and key ministry leaders.
The leadership academy is designed to provide experience and growth opportunities in 3 specific areas:
Spiritual Development
Leadership Development
Practical Ministry
We believe that the call of God is:
It doesn’t just happen – it happens through commitment and discipline as you continue to grow and be developed into the person God has called you to be.
We consider it a tremendous privilege to come alongside you in this process. Discover the vision and grasp the basis of our program, as well as the steps you can take to join us.
Application Process
Candidates will be:
Filling out an Internship Application (each student will choose their top three ministry areas)
Submitting a one-minute video on why you should be chosen
Not every applicant will be chosen for the Elevate Leadership Academy.
There will be limited spots available for each ministry area.
All applications will be due no later than May 17 at 5pm.
Cost – What is Included?
Cost: $100 per student
Elevate Leadership Academy t-shirt
All books and materials
Outings (fun and outreach-minded)
Personal and spiritual development
Ministry exposure
Leadership development and a sense of community.
Student Requirements
Exemplifies and lives a life in Christ in speech, appearance, and personal conduct
Fully supports the vision of Element Church
High School Students defined as incoming 9th graders to seniors who just graduated
Regular attender of Element Church or Element Youth (minimum of 3 months)
Attend weekend services and Element Youth services
Be able to participate in weekend serving as assigned by ministry area