Holiday Survival Guide



In our over-commercialized world today, it can be easy to think that Christmas is all about giving and receiving gifts. Everywhere we turn, we’re overrun with ads and bombarded with commercials to buy the latest and greatest gadget or the newest and best thing. But we can lose His presence in our pursuit of the presents

In this message series, Pastor Erik Lawson will help us push past our culture’s view of Christmas and show us God’s perspective that reminds us Christmas is all about Jesus — the ultimate gift, the perfect present.

Presents Pt1

A Gift For Jesus' Birthday

December 5th, 2015 — Pastor Erik Lawson

In this message pastor, Erik asks the question, "Who is ready for Christmas?". During this holiday season we tend to pack into our schedule Christmas parties, writing Christmas cards to people we have never met, decorating our house, setting up the tree, and the endless gift shopping for the people we love. It seems though in the middle of celebrating Jesus' birthday we have lost sight of the reason for the season, Jesus.

Presents Pt2

Wise-Guy Gifts

December 13th, 2015 — Pastor Aaron Grijalva

In this message Pastor Aaron shares the meaning behind the gifts that the three wise men gave Jesus. He shares how Gold was a gift for a king, Frankincense was a gift for a high priest, and Myrrh was a gift for the dead.