How To Add God To Your Routine
How to make time when stuck at home
When it comes to our routines, they define our lives. Even if you don’t think you have a routine, then that is a routine. So how can we have a routine that honors God and helps us discover just how awesome God is. Here are 5 ways to build a routine that can help you on this journey.
1. Wake up a little earlier
If you think we are saying, “wake up 3 hours earlier than normal,” well no, we wouldn’t suggest a leap, we only suggest steps. A great way to build a new habit is to select something that you literally think to your self, “Of course I can do that.” For an example, try waking up 10 minutes earlier than you usually do. Do that for a few weeks then try 15 minutes. This is a great way to start a new habit, and it will give you 10-15 more minutes a day than you had before. Everybody say, “I wish I had more time.” So this is an easy way to accomplish that. “What can I do with an extra 10 minutes a day?” That leads us to the next point.
2. Do a study in the bible
One of the keys to our walk with God is to spend time in the Bible. For many of us, it can be overwhelming to think, “Read the whole bible? That is a big book.” There is a great old saying. The way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time. So we recommend reading a one year bible. Another idea is that if you use the app, there are many topical devotionals you can do. Many do these studies with other, even across state lines. So this is a great place to start.
3. Take communion at home
So many of us grew up thinking we can only take communion from a priest or pastor. This is the farthest thing from the truth in the bible. At the last supper, the disciples didn’t take communion with a priest, they took communion with Jesus. We all have access to Jesus, so we all can enjoy communion at home, at work, and at church. This is a powerful reminder of the finished work of Christ and just how much God loves us.
4. Be thankful before asking for things
So many times we are all temped to ask for things before we stop and be thankful for all we already have. As an example, let’s say you are at the airport on your way to go on a trip. But let’s say your plane flight is delayed. We would have a choice. We could complain about the plane flight being delayed and and ask God to please fix things, or we could be thankful that we have the money to go on a flight in the first place. We had a car or had access to a ride to get to the airport, which many people don’t have. We could even be thankful that the airport is open, since during the Covid-19 pandemic most flights were canceled. The moral of the story is that we can be more thankful to God for all the good, before we ever ask for anything. We find this principle in Psalm 100:4 (KJV) 4 “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
5. Pray for others
It’s so important that we pray for others. It’s a selfless act that put’s a smile on God’s heart. God is so selfless, just look at the life of Jesus. So when we pray for others, we are following in Jesus’s footsteps. Jesus loved the unlovable and accepted the rejects, so when we pray and love those in society, it’s the heart beat of God.
Do you have to do all of these things today? No. Remember the first point, take a step, not a leap. Pick one thing in your routine that you can make a minor navigational adjustment to help you be more in line with how God sees you. That is the real journey. A great definition of faith is, “Seeing things the way God sees them.” So to increase your faith, is to continue to see how much God loves and believes in us.