A Mindset of Worship: Praising God From Home
Interview with Pastor Nate Edmonds
Going into a time of quarantine and social distancing has made Element’s life-changing weekend experiences a little different. Moving to online services has been a large transition for many, and the difference can seem magnified when it comes to singing songs of praise and worship. Last week we spoke with Pastor Nate Edmonds, the lead Worship Pastor at Element Church. We asked him about how he worships from home, and how we can praise God when we aren’t gathering together, and he gave us some amazing insights we can all take away from.
We can’t meet at the church; how can we worship at home?
The great news is, the church is NOT a building. It’s us! In fact, the early church didn’t meet in giant buildings like us. They met in each other’s homes. Since we are the church, we can worship anywhere, at any time. The bible says where two or more are gathered in His name, He is in our midst. He’s there with us. He inhabits our praise no matter where we are at. At first, it might feel strange at home. But I would encourage you to get past that and give God your worship at home. You can sing and raise your hands at home, knowing that fellow believers are joining you all over the city from Element and all over the globe from other churches now worshiping at home.
What steps do you take to worship from home?
I worship from home a lot, even when we are not in quarantine. Worship isn’t just singing, it’s the posture of your heart. I learned a long time ago that if God made us in His image, then He has a personality just like us. That means He probably doesn’t want some kind of formal routine with us. Every day I can ask Him what He wants to do with me. Maybe I pray. Maybe I meditate or read the bible. Or maybe I just sit in silence, with God. I follow what I feel He leads me to do.
How do you get in the mindset?
Going off of the last question, how would you feel if every time someone you loved met with you, they opened a book or manual and followed the steps it said to take with you? Ok…tell them you love them…” I love you.” Now tell them they look great… “You look great.” You wouldn’t feel very connected to them. It wouldn’t seem very sincere. It’s the same with God. I get in the mindset with God by clearing my thoughts and asking Him how He would like to spend time with me. And every time, He meets me there. Even if I don’t feel any different, I know He’s there. And it changes me.
Can it be just as powerful as at church?
Absolutely! There’s obviously something very special about coming together as a church. It’s one of my favorite things in the world to do. But… It’s a different kind of special worshiping God from home. Both are powerful. God commands us to gather together and not forsake the gathering of the brethren. But Covid-19 is not a surprise to Him. He will meet with us wherever we are.
How do you get past the weirdness of doing it by yourself?
Like Nike said, JUST DO IT! You just have to step out and know that God will meet you there. I mean, some would say it’s just as awkward in a larger setting where people can see you. I remember the first time my wife raised her hands in church. She was so self-conscious. And then…she did it! As she did, tears began to flow. She felt so liberated and free to worship her creator. Definitely worth getting past the weirdness. Now she raises her hands every week at church.
Is there any music you can recommend?
That’s a loaded question. There is so much these days. My favorites are Passion, Hillsong, Elevation and Bethel. They all have amazing stuff out right now. Rattle by Elevation and The Blessing By Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes are on my list at the moment. Also, Graves into Gardens by Elevation and Goodness of God by Bethel. So good.
You can experience powerful worship every weekend when you join us for Element Church Online on Facebook, YouTube, our app, or right here on elementchurch.com.
However, if you’re walking away from this ready to worship from home right now, check out our YouTube channel. We have videos created by Element’s worship team designed to inspire and lead you at home and on-demand.