Prayer and Lunch for Windsor Estates Senior Home


Element Church St Charles Making a Difference

On Tuesday April 28th Pastor Frank and the St Charles Prayer team went to Windsor Estates.  They brought lunch for the Staff from Concetta’s Italian Restaurant.  The plan was to drop off the food and play worship music and pray in the parking lot.  When the staff found out what we were doing 20 of the 40 working that day came out.  We Worshiped with them for 2 songs and then prayed a blessing over the staff and residents.  During worship I could see residents with their hands up in the distance joining us in praising God.  Even though this was spontaneous it was cool to see how they were able to socially distance themselves and still be engaged.  You can see that in the pictures.  They were very appreciative and wanted us to know that they would love to volunteer and help the church.

Element Church